domingo, 29 de enero de 2012

Why is Curriculum Design important ?

Curriculum design is an important part in education. There are several aspects that are important when designing a curriculum for students. It is important that all students receive the same level of education. Important is to establish when students of different age groups have the capacity enough to learn about certain information. In other words, what information is appropriate for them to know? Establishing these aspects will help you to determine how to the curriculum together. The purpose of teaching must be integrated into the curriculum.

Since classrooms are always filled with students who have different cultural backgrounds it is advisable to be careful with the material.  Some students might find certain subjects normal; meanwhile for other students it can be inappropriate. Parents also play an important role when it comes to curriculum. They should be familiar with what their children are learning at school. By knowing that they can provide extra help to their children by doing extra activities with them that are related to what they study at school. They will expand their knowledge and curiosity by experiencing new things.

A teacher’s insight is the most important when it comes to curriculum design. He/she realizes when the curriculum needs to be changed. Their opinions are the most critical ones when it’s time for a change. Teachers know exactly what it is that is going on in the classrooms and they know how the classes need improvement. For us future teachers it is important to know what and how the curriculum design works.

The curriculum design is not only important to teachers to know how and what they have to teach, but also for the students themselves to have insight on what they will be learning in the upcoming weeks. Before entering a school, parents can take a look at the curriculum and decide if this planning will be worth it for their children, or if they prefer to enroll him into some other school that have a better curriculum that suits them better.

Some may say it’s a waste of time learning about curriculum design, but in my opinion it is better to know about it, then not knowing anything at all. You never know when you’ll find yourself in a situation where you’ll need it, maybe for a promotion or extra credit. At that moment if you don’t know it you’ll regret not taking the course seriously. Every course has its importance, curriculum design isn’t an exception.

4 comentarios:

  1. I do agree with you and the teacheer's insight into Curriculum Design.

    This is a very good reflection into the subject-matter. Hope you continue like this for the sake of your teaching practice.

    100% achieved with this blog entry.

  2. A good article. Without a curriculum, the national goals of education cannot be achieved.
