miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012

Personal Learning Network

What is a Personal Learning Network (PLN)?
PLN can be defined as people around you who have the same interests as you, with whom you exchange information. These people can be students, proffesors, experts, etc. Nowadays most of these interactions happen online through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and blogs. It's one of the most easiest ways to send, receive and search for information, especially with people from all around the world who share the same interest.

PLN has many advantages.
With the internet as our main tool we can easily access other's information and share our own. Everywhere you go you'll be sure to find internet access somewhere. The learner in this case can get knowledge from many different people and in many different ways. Meeting new people also has it's benefits. When you're connected with people from all over the world you become more interested in their culture, and what it's like to live and teach their. You'll want to know more about how their system of education works, and what methods best fits into their teaching. When you have all the information that you want, you can decide wether or not you can incorporate some of the techniques you learned into your own teaching. Having extra ideas is never enough. Getting feedback on your posts also helps you realize what you're doing right and what you're doing wrong. 

PLN also has it's disadvantages.
The information available is not always one that can be trusted. Some information you find can be useful, meanwhile others don't exactly fit into what you're looking for. You don't know from where these writers got their information and if it's valid. At first you'll waiste some time on finding the right information, but once you get to know your network, you'll know exactly what information is reliable or not. If a person does not have a computer or latop with acces to the internet, it will be very hard to build up their nework, because they don't have the resources needed. Another important fact is that not everyone is familiar with a computer, much les the internet. So in order for them to be able to start creating their own personal learning network it will take a while. Taking computer classes might be needed.

Building your own Personal Learning Network can be pretty easy. The important thing is to make sure you apply for the right information and with the right people, and remain organized!

1 comentario:

  1. Jennelle,

    as you stated, it is easy to start your own PLN. Let's hope all you guys create yours to start benefiting from all it has to offer ELT professionals.

    100% achieved on this task.

