martes, 6 de marzo de 2012

Useful Websites

These are some websites that may come in handy when teaching.

Vocabulary Building:
On this website you will find all types of vocabulary. There are several categories, for example Life and death. In this category you'll find all kinds of words related to life and death such as; baby, birth, coffin, funeral, etc. You don't just learn one simple word, you learn everything else that's around it.

This website offers the correct ways of pronouncing words in English. Including homophones, sentence stresses, linking, contractions, also tongue twisters.

On this site you learn everything about nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, pronons, etc. It gives explanation on what they are, and how you use them. The site also offers grammar lessons, and videos that teach you grammar.

This site is very usefull because people with basic level to people with advanced english level. Different people talk about their experiences. By listening to these speeches you get accostumed to the variety of the english accent and help improve your own pronnciation.

Here yo will find over 2,000 short stories to choose from. You will also find complete books, such as A Christmas Carol, Hamlet, Little women, Sense and Sensibility and much more. You can search for authors and see all of their works that are available on the site.

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